Why We Switched To Irrigation Visitors to Milbridge Commons may have noticed something new in the gardens—an irrigation system. We have been eager to make this shift for several reasons. We are...
Incredible Edible Milbridge
Leaders & Luminaries Award Goes to Pam Dyer Stewart
Pammy Dyer Stewart has been recognized by Camden National Banks with its Leaders & Luminaries Award. This award celebrates the importance of effective nonprofit board leaders in our community....
Final Report for the 2021 IEM Season
Incredible Edible Milbridge Report – November 2021 With chilly nights and many cool days, the 2021 garden season is coming to a close! Milbridge Commons was the site of the last big volunteer push...
Incredible Edible Milbridge – September
The growing season is winding down at the Incredible Edible Gardens at the Red Barn Motel and at the Milbridge Commons. Daytime temperatures often top out in the upper sixties. Night-time...
July – Incredible Edible Milbridge Update
We are in the height of the summer! So many vegetables and herbs are ready for harvest at the IEM Gardens at the Red Barn Motel and at Milbridge Commons. If you don't find the vegetable of your...
June – Incredible Edible Milbridge Update
While May seemed colder than usual, June brought with it the heat! We closed the month with several days in the low nineties and not quite enough rain. Still the IEM Gardens at the Red Barn Motel...
Incredible Edible Milbridge Update for May
May was cold and dry, but we were happy to see rain finally falling at the end of the month! Cold weather has meant that we have held off planting many seedlings that like the warmer weather or that...
April Incredible Edible Milbridge Report
There are signs of spring everywhere! The grass is green, maples and daffodils are in bloom, and garlic shoots have pushed through their straw blanket. Incredible Edible is emerging from our winter...
July Report for Incredible Edible Milbridge
It's was a very dry July. As the month closed, the heat built as well! But THANKS to several members of the Pleasant River Garden Club, the Incredible Edible Gardens at the Milbridge Commons are...
The Women’s Health Resource Library has been awarded a $25,000 QUIMBY FAMILY FOUNDATION nourishment grant for Incredible Edible Milbridge. The award states, “The Women’s Health Resource Library was...
Remembering Bill Arnold
Bill was one of the charter members of Incredible Edible Milbridge when we started in 2013 and was instrumental to our successful launch. Although he was the oldest member of our group, he always...
Announcing the 2018 IEM Garden Workshops
Families are welcome! All workshops are FREE, but registration is required. Family Gardening Workshop – Create Your Own Container Garden with Juana Rodriguez-Vazquez &...
IEM Compost Building Party
There will be an Incredible Edible Milbridge Compost Building Party on Tuesday, May 8 from 2 to 5pm. Join Farmer Michael and volunteers at the IEM Pick-Your-Own Garden at the Red Barn Motel. Last...
Kimchi Party – It’s All the Rage! (Note date change!)
Last IEM Workshop of the Season! Sunday, Sept. 17 @ 1 – 3 pm (please note that program has been rescheduled from Saturday, September 9th) This workshop is about an easy and fun way to preserve fresh...
Crop Rotation and DIY Organic Pest Control – Workshop and Garden Tour
Sunday, August 13 @ 1 - 3 pm Location: Bear's Den - 34 Bear's Den, Addison Leaders: Geri Valentine and Donna Kausen Geri and Donna have been raising organic vegetables for 40 years. As you tour...
EdGE Students Help Kick Off the IEM Season!
On Monday, May 8th, students from the Milbridge Elementary EdGE program joined Farmer Michael at the IEM Market Garden at the Red Barn Motel. The children helped to move compost from the pile to the...
Join us for a look at the Incredible Edible Milbridge Garden Party
The home and gardens of Charlene Sprague and Fritz Gensheimer provided the backdrop for a garden party fundraiser for Incredible Edible Milbridge. Their spectacularly manicured gardens include a...
FREE Fall Garden Tour with Curtis LaFollete
One of the best ways to develop your inner gardener is to observe the work of others. If you missed the LaFollete Garden Tour this summer, you've got another chance to be inspired! This is a rare...
Incredible Edible Milbridge Offers FREE Private Home Garden Tours
One of the best ways to develop your inner gardener is to observe the work of others. This summer, Incredible Edible Milbridge invites you to be inspired by two fabulous area gardens. This is an...
Make a Contribution to Incredible Edible Milbridge with these Volunteer Opportunities!
On May 9 community members gathered at WHRL to make plans for the 2016 Incredible Edible Milbridge season. As we enter our fourth season, gardens around town have multiplied, the IEM Market Garden...