Christina’s greenhouse now
Christina’s greenhouse before the fire
A few days ago, Christina Ganz lost her greenhouse in a devasting fire. That greenhouse isn’t just her livelihood, it’s her life. Many of you know Christina as the “Posie Lady” the always-smiling woman who grows beautiful bouquets and sells them at her flower stands for $5. She keeps the price low so that everyone has access to the joy of flowers. I’ve heard Christina say countless times, “It isn’t about money, it’s about spreading joy.” She loves flower bombing people and businesses with unexpected deliveries. All of us at WHRL are grateful that Christina brings all this joy, positive energy, and enormous talent to our Incredible Edible Milbridge gardening team. This kind and generous woman needs her community right now. One of the special things about living Downeast, one of the things that keeps me here (despite six- month-long winters), is the sense of community. People here rally around when tragedy strikes. We lift people when they fall. Lending a helping hand is part of the Downeast DNA. It’s what we do. Today, I am asking everyone to shower Christina with love and joy. Let’s get that new greenhouse built! Let’s love-bomb Christina! You can donate by clicking below.
If you prefer to donate by check, please make your check payable to “Christina Ganz”. Checks may be sent to WHRL, PO Box 463, Milbridge, ME 04658.