April showers bring May flowers. That's what they say, and sure enough, spring rains are important for our gardens. If you didn't get to start seeds in March, then April is the time to begin, and...
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Growing to Learn
This last year has been tough for every human both young and old. As winter comes to a close, and we hope life moves closer to normal once again, planning a garden experience for you and your...
It’s March, and It’s Seed Starting Time!
It's best to start seeds that need lots of time to get going, like parsley, celery, onions, and leeks; or seeds that love the cold weather, like broccoli, kale, cabbage, cauliflower and lettuce....
Seeds & Sprouts is gardening and cooking blog for families who want to learn how to grow, cook, and eat nutritious, healthy food. This blog is collaboratively run by WHRL and the Community Caring Collaborative, and blog posts are written by volunteers!