Written by: Larissa Holland "In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy." – William Blake Let’s face it… no matter how adaptable you are, the winter months test us all. The...
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Maple Syrup
It's March! And it's mud season. The temperatures are warming, the sun is stronger, and spring officially starts this month. The first harvest of the year is maple sap! In Late February or early...
How To Make Bean Sprouts
Grow bean sprouts to get some good vitamins in the winter. You can sprout alfalfa seeds, mung beans, wheat berries, and lentils. Add sprouts to salads or soups or munch on them for a snack. John...
Seeds & Sprouts is gardening and cooking blog for families who want to learn how to grow, cook, and eat nutritious, healthy food. This blog is collaboratively run by WHRL and the Community Caring Collaborative, and blog posts are written by volunteers!