
How Do We Heal From 2020?

How Do We Heal From 2020?

Much has been made of putting 2020 behind us. Wouldn’t we all like to toss our 2020 calendars into a massive heap and light it on fire? There is no doubt about it; it has been a challenging,...

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What’s in a name?

What’s in a name?

  I want to tell you a story about 87 Main Street. For all the headaches, I have grown to love WHRL’s new house. It is a piece of Milbridge history.  And I feel good that we have been given the...

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WHRL changes its name!

WHRL changes its name!

THE WOMENS’ HEALTH RESOURCE LIBRARY is now WOMEN for HEALTHY RURAL LIVING. After 15 years of advancing opportunities for health and wellness in Downeast Maine, The Women’s Health Resource Library...

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Paint Outside the Box Auction

Paint Outside the Box Auction

The Women’s Health Resource Library will play host to two big auctions during this year’s Milbridge Days festivities slated for July 26th and 27th at the Seaworthy Event Center on Main Street. Paint...

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