Feb 12, 2022 | Family Friendly Gardening Activities, Seeds and Sprouts
Winter in Downeast Maine can be cold, grey, and usually, not a time to be sowing seeds; however, you can still have a winter garden experience with microgreens. They are seeds of many commonly grown plants that are harvested as soon as they develop their first real...
Jan 7, 2022 | Family Friendly Gardening Activities, Seeds and Sprouts
Winter is a great time to encourage feathered friends to the garden! One easy way to do this is to install bird feeders around your garden and property. Looking for some simple bird feeder ideas? Why not a pine cone feeder? If you know where there are some pine trees,...
Mar 4, 2021 | Family Friendly Gardening Activities, Gardening, Seeds and Sprouts
This last year has been tough for every human both young and old. As winter comes to a close, and we hope life moves closer to normal once again, planning a garden experience for you and your children might be the perfect pandemic remedy. You’ve probably heard that...
Feb 1, 2021 | Family Friendly Gardening Activities, Seeds and Sprouts
This is a great time of year to plant an ‘indoor garden’ or terrarium. For older children, it’s a perfect opportunity to learn about the water cycle, condensation, respiration. A closed terrarium is its own biosphere: some terrariums have stayed closed and alive for a...
Nov 20, 2020 | Family Friendly Gardening Activities, Seeds and Sprouts
While it’s still fresh in your mind, grab a piece of paper and talk together about what grew well, not so well, pay special attention to what you’d like to try next year – and make a list. This list will come in very handy next spring when you are deciding which...